Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention

To all Residents, Staff, Family Members, and Visitors, In response to the coronavirus, we have taken steps to protect our residents, staff members, family members, and visitors. We understand the importance of safety and are doing our best to ensure the well-being of everyone in our facility. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

We strive to be the leading standard of excellence in patient care by taking a proactive approach at every step. Our commitment is unwavering as we continuously seek to provide a healthy and safe environment for our patients.

Our residents' and employees' health and safety are our top priority. We will continue providing the latest news and health updates, so everyone can stay safe during this time.
Best Regards, YAD Healthcare



COVID positive residents: 0
COVID positive staff: 0

We remain open to visitation but please remember
you must wear a mask and wash your hands when visiting.

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